prim. prof. dr. sc.  Milan Stanojević dr. med. - Neonatology, - General Pediatrics - Available for questions about newborns and infants | LittleDot

prim. prof. dr. sc. Milan Stanojević dr. med.

Neonatology , General Pediatrics

Available for questions about newborns and infants

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About chosen doctor

Doctor CV

 Head of the Department of Neonatology of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Hospital Sveti Duh in Zagreb from 2007 to 2018, retired from 2018, President of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine in his second term, full member of the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine, published about 300 papers in international and domestic journals, has about 1300 citations, published several chapters in professional, scientific and popular books. Expert associate of the UNICEF office for Croatia. He has 37 years of work experience.

Author articles: prim. prof. dr. sc. Milan Stanojević dr. med.

The author has no published articles at the moment.

User reviews (3)

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jako ljubazan, human, strpljiv doktor. svojim savjetima i ljudskim pristupom te iscrpnim odgovorom me jako umirio

RB - Zagreb


Hvala Bogu na ovako divnim i stručnim liječnicima! Sve pohvale doktoru Stanojeviću za ljudskost i stručnost!

Korisnik 485169 - Viljevo


Jako ljubazan, brzo je odgovorio i pomogao nam.

MP - Zagreb

