prof. dr. sc.  Branka Aukst Margetić dr. med.

prof. dr. sc. Branka Aukst Margetić dr. med.

Psychiatry , Psychotherapy

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About chosen doctor

Doctor CV

Branka Aukst Margetic, associate professor, MD, graduated on Medical School in Zagreb, University of Zagreb in 1991. Her work in psychiatry started in Neuropsychiatric hospital “Dr Ivan Barbot” in 1992. She finished residency in psychiatry in 2001. and from 2009 - 2017. worked in Department of psychiatry University Hospital Center Zagreb and since 2017 in Department of psychiatry University Hospital Center „Sestre milosrdnice“. She completed the master thesis in 2006 and doctoral thesis in 2010 at Medical school University of Zagreb. She is subspecialist in biological psychiatry and psychotherapy. She got the status of scientific adviser in 2017. She was engaged in psychotherapeutic educations in group analysis and cognitive behavioural therapy. So far, she authored over hundred scientific articles, 71 of them indexed in Current contents data base, wrote 14 book chapters, most of them university textbooks, and had numerous presentations on domestic and international congresses. She is cited oved 1000 times in Web of science database with h index of 16. She is associate professor in Medical School University of Zagreb and Department of nursing at Croatian Catholic University. She was mentor on a doctoral and many graduation theses, worked on several international and domestic scientific projects and works as a reviewer for several international scientific journals. She is member of the editorial bords of Liječnički vjesnik, Archives of Psychiatry Research and Journal of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & Treatment.

Author articles: prof. dr. sc. Branka Aukst Margetić dr. med.

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