Antonio Šare mag. pharm. - Clinical Pharmacy, - Pharmacy - Master of Pharmacy in a community pharmacy in Rijeka. Graduated in Zagreb in 2016. | LittleDot

Antonio Šare mag. pharm.

Clinical Pharmacy , Pharmacy

Master of Pharmacy in a community pharmacy in Rijeka. Graduated in Zagreb in 2016.

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About chosen doctor

Doctor CV

I graduated at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb in 2016. After finishing my studies, I started working at a community pharmacy in Rijeka, where I still work today. I continuously improve my knowledge and skills through various educational platforms. Currently, I am a student of the postgraduate specialist study program in Clinical Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb. I advise patients on both acute and chronic health problems on a daily basis. I believe it is crucial for patients to understand why are they taking a particular medication and the possible consequences of not adhering to prescribed therapy, considering the significant problem of non-adherence. Additionally, I advise patients on self-treatment, which I consider extremely important in today's way of life. I am a member of the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists, the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society, and the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy.

Author articles: Antonio Šare mag. pharm.

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