Martina Prusac mag. pharm.
Clinical Pharmacy , Phytoaromatherapy
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About chosen doctor
Doctor CV
For me, being a pharmacist is not only a profession, but also a vocation!
After graduating with a degree in pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb in 2012, I started working in a public pharmacy. I currently work at Draženović Pharmacy in Metković. The end of college marked only the beginning of the improvement of specific knowledge, and I first attended professional training in phytoaromatherapy at Krešimir University in Zagreb, and then went on to specialize in clinical pharmacy, which is in progress.
I work intensively and with great enthusiasm on continuous improvement because I believe that knowledge, skills and experience really are power.
I advise parents on a daily basis about acute health problems they face (colds, elevated body temperature, recovery after tonsillectomy, diarrhea, etc.), but also chronic health problems (atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, diabetes, etc.). During counseling, I consider it important to explain the nature of the disease and the purpose of the prescribed therapy, because it seems to me that parents and children then more easily apply the instructions they have received.
Since one of my areas of interest is phytoaromatherapy (a branch that deals with medicinal plants and oils), I am very happy to advise on the selection of vitamins, minerals, medicinal plants and cosmetic products that are used independently or as a supplement to already prescribed therapy.
I have been a professional associate of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb on the Pharmacy Care course for several years, and I also hold numerous training sessions for pharmacists throughout the Republic of Croatia. I am a member of the Committee for the Improvement of Pharmacy Services at the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacy and a member of the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society.
Specialist in clinical pharmacy, post-graduate specialist study in clinical pharmacy - public pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia (2015-)
Phytoaromatherapist, Vocational College Krešimir, Zagreb, Croatia (2018)
Master of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb, Croatia, Average grade 4.47/5.0 (2007-2012)
Pharmacist, Draženović Pharmacy, Metković, (2016-)
Pharmacist, St. Kuzma and Damjan Pharmacy, Zagreb (2013-2016)
Lecturer, external associate, course: Pharmacy Care, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb (2014-)
Member of the Working Group for the Development of the Professional Training Program for Pharmacy Students, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb (2015)
Member of the Commission for the Improvement of Pharmacy Services, Croatian Chamber of Pharmacy (2015-)
Professional Associate Master of Pharmacy, Delmerion d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia - Consultation on dermatological skin problems and daily skin care (2013-)
Assistant of the expert medical team, Clinical Hospital "Dubrava", Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Day Hospital for Obesity, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia - Patient education about obesity, healthy diet and physical activity (March 2011-December 2012)
Project researcher, Clinical Hospital "Dubrava", Project "Impact of Mediterranean (Dalmatian) diet on the course of metabolic syndrome", Zagreb, Croatia - Collection and systematization of demographic, anthropometric, medical-biochemical data (2011-2013)
Assistant, Primevigilance Zagreb d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia - Creation of a database of human medicines for the European Medicines Agency (EudraVigilance) (May-July 2012)
Šarić M., Ortner Hadžiabdić M., Mucalo I., Pavić E., Martinis I., Lasić M., Đerek L., Romić Ž., Rahelić D. and Božikov V. – Effect of the Mediterranean and Standard hypolipemic diet on parameters of metabolic syndrome. The 31st International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2013
Mucalo I., Šarić M., Ortner Hadžiabdić M., Pavić E., Martinis I., Lasić M., Rahelić D. and Božikov V. – Comparison of Mediterranean and Standard hypolipemic diets in weight reduction management. The 31st International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2013
Šarić M., Škunca M., Ortner Hadžiabdić M. and Božikov V. - Metabolic syndrome - a new approach to definition and treatment, Farmaceutski glasnik 69, 5/2013
Šarić M., Lasić M., Mucalo I., Ortner Hadžiabdić M., Martinis I., Pavić E., Serdar T., Rahelić D. and Božikov V. - "A program to change eating habits in order to reduce the body weight of obese patients - our experience of the day hospital", 2nd student congress "Nutrition and clinical diet therapy", University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia (May 27-29, 2011)
- advising patients on disease and therapy, advising on nutritional supplements, making magisterial and galenic preparations (making vagitorium, encapsulation, etc.), monitoring the effectiveness of therapy, observing clinically important drug interactions, observing and reporting side effects of drugs, using the latest databases and customized applications pharmacists in their daily work with patients, performing administrative tasks related to the public pharmacy
- excellent communication and presentation skills, experience in lecturing and teaching, ambitious, flexible, motivated and interested in developing new and improving old skills
Author articles: Martina Prusac mag. pharm.
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